1.7 active3Dseg optimized active contouring to include a flag so that the user can perform segmentation with the gradient propagation calculated on the whole image, rather than per-slice img2blender (new) saves the generated image in a format that can be imported to blender img2plot (new) produces surface plots from synthesized images img2model returns empty model if training fails img2model includes a flag that allows the user to select whether to train a nuclear model, a framework (nuclear+cell) or all (nuclear+cell+protein) img2slml saves cytonuc flag (whether the protein is cytoplasmic or nuclear) with protein model slml2img traps and reports errors in image synthesis slml2img includes a flags that allows the user to select whether to generate tiff images, an indexed image, a .obj file. These can be turned on and off independently of each other img2projection helper method that makes a projection of a synthesized image to facilitate viewing improj wrapper method for img2projection that can read variables and files startup removes erroneous message about version2 train_protein_model correct Gaussian object frequency model demo3D02 produces a ray trace surface plot from the output of demo3D00 demo3D10 produces .obj files for cell, nucleus and lamp2 demo3D11 trains a cell and nuclear framework using 4 protein patterns in the HeLa 3D dataset demo3D12 trains a protein pattern framework from 1 user specified pattern in the HeLa dataset train_protein_model, gmm_allnucfeat, gmm_objsizefit, gmm_objempdistr fixed bug in learning model for z dimension of Gaussian objects